T.I.E. ing Your Life Together...Transform. Inspire. Educate.

Today is the day you get your life back. Let's talk!! For further information about my organization please go to http://tieresourcecentersinc.org/. It’s time to T.I.E. Your Life Together!

About Me

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TIE Resource Center is a one stop shop for inner healing, spiritual development, and energy renewal. More than just a counseling facility, T.I.E offers services to survivors of domestic violence that extend beyond the act of being a victim, but focuses on rebuilding the family unit from the inside out. Each service is customized specifically to fulfill the needs of the individual family.

My Journey To Survival

After the questions end, the tears cease, the bruises heal and the voices are silenced I could do no more than cling to the wall in a kind of hopeless wonder, trying to figure out where I was to go from here. With shaky arms I knew I had many pieces to pick up for myself but most importantly for my children. The shell of what I was, the idea of what I could be, and the pain of realizing what I had become was overtaking me. I had a complete out of body experience; I remember floating above myself trying to figure out how to rejoin my soul and spirit into remains that once took so many blows that I could hardly stand upright. The moment I left and decided to take my life back introduced new experiences, new challenges, and new setbacks, but time and perseverance brought its own rewards, and today I can proudly stand as a survivor of domestic violence with a rebirth of soul and spirit and a conside understanding of who I am--a wife, a mother, a businesswoman. I know many who share my story and struggles. I am intimately aware of how difficult it is to find and follow the pathway to survival but I'm a true testament to how it not only can be done but will be done if you make the first step.

Step #1: Get OUT! No more excuses, no more understandings, it's time, today is the day.

My name is Danita Davis, my life's mission is to be the truest voice of how you don't have to allow someone to break you, your spirit, or your body. I went through the pain so that you don't have to. So I formed T.I.E. Resource Center, a safe haven for all those affected by domestic violence to come and seek the healing they urgently need. Pain and struggle can generate a greater purpose, for me that purpose is the development of T.I.E. I understand why I went through what I went through and how to reconnect to who I am today. I want my pain to be someone else's healing, and my life today to be someone's inspiration. I had to learn how to love the parts that remain, find closure to my past situations, and trust again. I have done so and the product are my amazing children and my current husband who allowed me to realize what it means to truly be in a loving relationships, and how I am supposed to be treated.--like the Queen that I am!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


From the time we are children we are given fairytale images of what life is supposed to be. As young girls we wait for “Prince Charming” to come and rescue us from our desolate situations with a glass slipper and promise of royalty in a magical kingdom in happily ever after land. Many of us were blessed to have examples of those “Prince Charmings” in our own households, fathers who sternly demanded that we be treated like young ladies and that we be aware of what a gentleman is and not expect to receive any less. Others only have these fairytales as demonstrations of distant fantasies depicting lives unreachable. So why is it that regardless of our upbringing we, women in particular, tend to end up in the same proverbial space, falling for most anything that gives us a little bit of attention.

Just think back to when you were a teenager the butterflies that would invade your stomach the minute your crush would show you a little attention, drop a note in your locker, or give you a little nudge on your shoulder. God forbid they ask us to “go out” or “go steady” or “be their girl” all that we would hold so precious and true, the standards and expectations we had, tend to wane at the idea that someone wants to be with us. We want to cherish that feeling and allow ourselves to fall into whatever we need to do to keep us in that situation. After all, the human condition is to desire to love and be loved in return. Right? So what brings us to this point? Is this desire so strong that seemingly intelligent people, who know how they are supposed to be treated, loose all of their senses and the standards that they know they should uphold become less than important?

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